As much as I love EDM (I mean, TRVP, what evens?) nothing can beat a live rock concert. And I’m not talking that accoustic folky nonsense ala loops. I’m talking about headbanging, crowd surfing, pit marshing rock. Knew Hilltop Live’s One Night in Cape Town was going to bring it! Hilltop Live have already brought Chevelle to South Africa who came to party at GrandWest Arena in Cape Town. I love GrandWest as a venue, mostly cos it’s indoors, and with these bands playing in the heart of winter, smart move Hilltop, smart move. You’re kept warm, dry, and there’s an array of fast food franchises all over, and most importantly – NO PORTALOO’S!!
Okay, hygeine aside.
Not a huge fan or follower of the bands performing, Manchester Orchestra, Yellowcard and Deftones. But FOMO would hear nothing of it. So off I went, clad in black (as one does at a rock event after all) with no expectations of what lay ahead. Glad I had none!
So I missed Manchester Orchestra, so now I’ll never know if there’s a tuba player involved in this band.
Cape Town surprised me this time, Chevelle was sadly a small crowd, but like I said, no expectations. When Yellowcard performed, I became wary if the little that was there was all who would be attending. What was I thinking, everyone was there for Deftones. Even Yellowcard’s frontman Ryan Key humoured the crowd by noting why we were all really there. Granted, Yellowcard took me back to my teens when their music was what I considered rock. Reminiscent of summers, sunscreen, the beach, pop rock playing in the background whilst surfing on a Californian wave…..wait…..that doesn’t sound right……
I swear seconds before Deftones started, the air in the Arena changed. The intensity built, and you could not help but get on your feet and get your hair ready to swing around in a headbang. As I have said, not familiar with this band, but that didn’t matter. I know good music, and Deftones, were GREAT! Interactive with the crowd, which always scores brownie points, to the point where lead singer Chino Moreno looked like he was doing Idols auditions, handing the mic to the growling fans (cos rock fans don’t scream, they growl). And at some point, the Arena was filled, and body’s were (literally) flying everywhere. Great job Cape Town!
HUGE thank you to Hilltop Live and GrandWest for giving us a taste of what Oppikoppi had indulged over the long weekend. Looking forward to the next gig. There’s a this guy with a band, he’s name is Dave Matthews…..heard of him?
Oh, and the amazing shots, all done by my buddy Warren Talmarkes check out his Facebook Page, or website for more awesomeness
Article contributed by Lauren Jullies // @BoereworsGirl